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Yes, we can make a difference

Posted: February 18, 2021 | Categories: Leadership, Team Building

When I was in high school I took a speech class. The teacher made a statement I never forgot: “When we speak up with conviction, we can create a defining moment that shapes our lives, shapes our relationships, and shapes the world.”  In other words, we change history!  Here is a true story taken from the book, “Crucial Conversations” to demonstrate:

“Kevin, his peers, and their boss were deciding on a new location for their offices – would they move across town, across the state, or across the country? The first two execs presented their arguments for their top choices, and as expected, their points were greeted by penetrating questions from the full team. No vague claim went unclarified, no unsupported reasoning unquestioned. 

Then Chris, the CEO, pitched his preference – one that was both unpopular and potentially disastrous. However when people tried to disagree or push back on Chris, he responded poorly. Since he was the big boss he didn’t exactly have to browbeat people to get what he wanted. Instead, he became slightly defensive. First he raised his voice – just a little. It wasn’t long until people stopped questioning him, and Chris’s inadequate proposal was quietly accepted. Well, almost. That is when Kevin spoke up. His words were simple enough – like, ‘Hey Chris, can I check something out with you?’

The reaction was stunning – everyone in the room stopped breathing. But Kevin ignored the apparent terror of his colleagues and plunged ahead.  In the next few minutes he in essence told the CEO that he appeared to be violating his own deision-making guidelines. He was subtly using his power to move the new offices to his hometown. After some additional discussion, the boss said, ‘You’re absolutely right,'”  

Think of all the positive effects Chris’s speaking up spawned. Families didn’t have to move, kids stayed in their schools, and the company morale was preserved. Remember the “power of one”. Act…or be acted upon!