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When a good team becomes great…

Posted: June 15, 2017 | Categories: Leadership, Team Building

I work with companies to build high-performing teams.  This can be a long and difficult process.  In many cases some trust has to be restored, and new habits and behavior patterns must be formed.  One of the most rewarding parts of this team-building process is when a group crosses the magic threshold from “I” to “we”.  I was able to observe such a breakthrough this week:

This example involves an organization I have been working with for over a year.  They were required to attend a high-profile meeting at their headquarters.  During the meeting, the presenter made some judgmental comments about someone who use to work on the team.  Everyone immediately felt uncomfortable.  This didn’t speak up to defend their former co-worker.  (Later they wished that they had.)  Instead, the whole team huddled afterwards, and discovered that they all felt upset about the presenter being judgmental about a previous employee.  It then occurred to them that they would not have reacted this way a year ago.  Whatever their thoughts, they would have probably kept them quiet.  That was when they were an “I” team.  They realized they had become a “we” team.  They also realized what this meant:  They are a strong unit capable of putting others first, and solving problems together.  This team is now positioned to enjoy success and continual growth.