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What is means to be “busy”

Posted: March 9, 2020 | Categories: Self-Improvement

“Good manners are made of petty sacrifices”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

In September of 1992, my oldest son entered 1st grade.  After a week went by, Kevin shared something special that his teacher did.  She boosted his confidence, and made him feel better about himself.  When Kevin shared this story, I began reflecting on my 1st grade teacher.  I had just moved from another state, and I didn’t know anyone.  Mrs. Wingard made me feel special, and she did it by her genuine smile and interest in me as a person.   I never forgot it.  I decided it was time to say thank you.  I took 15 minutes to write a hand-written note expressing my gratitude, and telling her how important she was in my life.  Three days letter my mother called.  Mrs. Wingard called her, and was ecstatic about the note.  She had retired, and said that in all her years, she had never received a note like that.  I had done something that was very meaningful to someone else, and it only took me 15 minutes?  It was an eye-opener.

Are you a busy person?  Are you too busy?  Here are some words I read many years ago that may help answer this question:

You know you are too busy if you don’t…

Time to get really busy!