A top performing sales professional knows how to lead and manage the sales process plus manage their time well. They also manage what is most important – the relationship.
Several years ago a research company interviewed a large sampling of happy clients. These customers had been with their vendor for many years. They were asked the question: “What are the most important reasons for your loyalty? Here are the top three responses received:
A friend. First and foremost, they consider their suppliers to be a friend. Friends take the time to know us and show genuine interest in our company, family, and anything else that is important to us. They know our hobbies and what sports our kids are playing. In short, they have intimate knowledge of their client’s personal interests and business needs.
A consultant. A good client sees us as a trusted consultant. Business and sales are all about solving problems, and it helps when we have someone who is a good listener and helps us talk through a problem or challenge.
A teacher. Once we have listened and understood, the client looks to our expertise to help them get the right perspective and resources to move forward. They know their supplier in on top of his or her game.
It has been over 20 years since Harvey Mackay wrote his book, “Swim with the Sharks”. It was in this book that he listed his “Mackay 66”. These are 66 bits of information we need to know to help us stay close to our customers.
When we plan for our sales conversations, we should also be thinking of how we can built trust and strengthen the relationship. When they love us and we take good care of them, loyalty is a common by-product.