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This common habit is POISON for team communication

Posted: September 25, 2024 | Categories: Leadership, Team Building

When I am helping companies build winning teams, the first thing I look at is how team members interact and communicate. Are ideas encouraged? Does each team member put their fellow team member first? What is the level of trust on the team? Is the trust strong enough to build a high-performing team?

Each of these questions could entertain a hearty discussion. I want to put a spotlight on what I believe to be the biggest “culprit”: Talking behind someone’s back. It can be absolute poison.

This month I was able to observe two examples of this effect – Talking behind someone’s back. In both situations the relationship had started on a good platform of trust. Then something happened that caused someone to speak ill of the other teammate. Once the word got out, it got back to the other person, and this led to a precipitous fall in the trust level. From this point on, it will take significant time and commitment to repair the damage.

Here is my question: If you are upset with someone, who should you be talking to? Answer: The person you are upset with. “Oh, but they won’t listen!” you say. If that is so we all know the answer is not to talk behind the other person’s back. The conflict needs to be resolved. If it is not, resentment can set in and begin to grow like a cancer. Soon, if we are not careful, our working environment can evolve to a place that doesn’t feel good. This effects engagement and productivity. Commit to resolve differences quickly, kindly, and respectfully. You will do your part in generating goodwill on the team.