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Strategy: The gift that keeps on giving

Posted: July 8, 2012 | Categories: Management, Self-Improvement

Strategy:  The gift that keeps on giving

OK.  You know what you want and you have set specific goals.  It is time for the fun to begin.  We are now ready to develop our strategy.  This is our roadmap to get to our goals.  A strategy is our own special recipe for achieving specific goals, and it should be as unique as our fingerprint (and far more exciting!).  Like any good recipe, there are important ingredients that need to be blended together in just the right portion.

Strengths:  When we look at what we want to achieve, the first thing we do is look at our strengths.  Our strengths are the characteristics and qualities that have gotten us to where we are today.  What are your strengths?  If you need help in answering this question comprehensively, ask a friend or visit helpful websites like  Find your strengths.  We need to know them and use them.

Activity:  Keeping in mind our strengths, we need to look at what mix of tasks and activities we will need to put into play.  Here are some points to consider:

Habits:  Albert Gray said it over 70 years ago in his essay, “The Common Denominator of Success”:  “People form habits…habits form futures”  What habits are working for you?  What habits are not helping you (see barriers)?  What is the single most important habit you need to work on?  How soon can you get started on it?  How can you ensure you will sustain your momentum?  What results do you expect for your efforts?

Putting it all together, your strategy should consist of your ideal blend of strengths, activities, and habits that come together to drive you towards your specific goals.  The next step…EXECUTE!