Here’s a question…How much time do we have on our average sales call…30 minutes…60 maybe. And how about our attention span? Is is getting longer or shorter? Face to face time is like gold, and just like gold, we need to treat it as a precious metal. That means doing our due diligence…no excuses. Because of the Internet, our prospects expect us to research their company well before we meet. If we haven’t they will notice it, and they probably won’t be impressed. I’ve found it helps to have a key web page or two printed out and highlighted so that the prospect and I can both refer to it if appropriate.
How about facilitation of the meeting? Taking time to build an agenda statement (see agenda statement) can help get the meeting off to a crisp, energetic start, and also allow you to be in better control of the conversations.
In the words of Peter Drucker, “If we fail to plan, we plan to fail” Take the time to value both your time and the prospects. Plan well