Do you ever find yourself getting to the point where you feel frazzled and overwhelmed? You are working like mad and you feel like you are taking one step forward and two steps backward? STOP! Take a time out, sit down, grab a fresh pad of paper and pen, and begin “uploading” everything rattling in your mind onto the paper.
Write down everything that is bothering you and all the tasks and deadlines before you. Don’t forget about the messes you need to clean up. Everything…write it all down until nothing is left stirring up dust in your thoughts. Now how do you feel? Better? You put all that stress on the paper.
OK…now what? Well, let’s put things in order. There are usually between 4-8 categories that our tasks and activities fall in to. Let’s have fun putting all the items on that paper in their right buckets. Bravo! Now we have things categorized. Next, we prioritize.
Here are the two main questions we must ask ourselves when prioritizing:
How much will I benefit if I do that task?
How much will I suffer if I don’t?
A=important B=some importance C=Little value
Next we go to our A’s and determine what is most urgent and important. That would be A-1, A-2, and so on.
Now we get our calendars out and plan our day for tomorrow. We do our planning so that we will always be working on the most important task or activity at any given time. If we plan this way, commit to it, and follow through without permitting distraction, we will increase our efficiency by an average of 30% and end the day on a high note rather than a hectic one.
Remember, when frustrated and overwhelmed, get out a clean sheet of paper, relax, and sit down. Write, categorize, prioritize and plan for a great day tomorrow. Try it!