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Overcome Procrastination: Get back in control
Have you ever had a project or task on your checklist that just doesn’t seem to get done? On your “to-do” list today, did you notice an item that was on your list for the 3rd or 4th time? This can be demoralizing. How do we break the pattern, set a new stride, and gain control?
Break it down
If we have carried a “to-do” item on our list for several days, we can ask ourselves, “How can I break this down into bite-size chunks? For example, if our action item is to write a follow up report for the design meeting, we may want to lay it out in pieces like:
- Write title for report
- Outline key points
- Write cover page summary
- Write point #1
These steps we can usually swallow, and doing them can help us overcome inertia and move forward.
The power of planning and blocking time
My wife and I had been planning to clean out the garage for several weeks. We would say something like, “Yeah, let’s try to get that done this weekend”. How well do you think that worked? You’re right …Not so well
After bumping the project for all that time, we decided to get things under control. We had a sit-down meeting and talked about the project supplies we would need and when we could do the project. Soon, we had a list of supplies and also specific steps involved. We blocked out our entire weekend for the project. We promised ourselves that if we completed the project by the weekend, we would treat ourselves to dinner out. Now how do you think the project went? We completed the project, did a spectacular job, and enjoyed dinner out. We made the project fun and we also put enough control on it so that it did not become a procrastination victim.
Think about something you need to do that isn’t done yet. Ask yourself:
- Why is this important?
- How much will I benefit if I do it?
- How much will I suffer if I don’t?
- When can I do this?
- What steps will be required?
- Who else do I need to discuss this with?
- What resources will I need to successfully complete the project?
Categorize, prioritize, set specific action steps and deadlines, follow through, and enjoy the benefits of a completed effort. Get on control!