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Know your #1

Posted: May 12, 2016 | Categories: Team Building

It is not a secret, but it might as well be.  Great companies give exceptional customer service.  Apple and Disney just keep on going strong.

I heard on the news today that the airlines were requesting more TSA personnel at airports.  One of the reasons is the volume of carry-on baggage.  People don’t want to pay baggage fees, so they keep taking more to put in the overhead bins.  That means that the baggage inspection process takes longer, and more inspectors are needed.  Someone asked the question, “Instead of hiring more personnel, why don’t they eliminate the baggage fees?”  The answer came quick:  The airline industry is making a fortune on baggage fees.  They don’t want to give up the revenue stream.  As a consumer, that tells me that they are putting profit ahead of my being inconvenienced.  As a result, I prefer to fly Southwest where I get two bags checked for free.  Here is the irony:  Even though Southwest Airlines elects not to collect baggage fees, they are the only major airline that has made a profit for 30 years in a row.  Excellent customer service wins!