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Increase you MPG in 2015

Posted: January 29, 2015 | Categories: Self-Improvement

“Throughout the ages, all successful people have one thing in common:  The ability to focus on vital priorities, and cause those priorities to happen” – Charles Hobbs

How would you like to increase your efficiency by 40% in 2015?  Here is what you need to do.  STAY FOCUSED AND AVOID DISTRACTIONS!  Tell me if this scenario hits home:  You start your morning by turning on the radio or television to hear sports and news.  Then you begin your work.  First, you go to the snack area to get your coffee.  You run in to some of your team members, and talk about the latest in sports and the weather.  Then you go back to your desk.  You start by getting on the internet, and seeing the news topics on Yahoo.  Never mind that you’ve have already spent time listening to the radio or television.  Next, you begin your work.  About two minutes later, you check your email.  Then someone comes over to your desk and wants to chit-chat.  You finally begin your work and are now focused for a while, only to be interrupted by a subordinate who has a question.  You realize that this is something they should already know how to do, but you take over.  After all, you are busy, and you don’t have time to teach them.  Now it is time for another cup of coffee.  At the end of the day you say to yourself, “Wow!” What a hectic day.  I didn’t get anything done.  Have you ever known someone with such a work pattern?

In my 40+ year career, every time management expert I have ever encountered has said that staying focused without distractions can increase our efficiency from 40 – 100%.  Sounds simple doesn’t it?  It does work.  To make it work, it takes resolve and a willingness to build a new discipline.  It may take you a month to get to the point where you don’t succumb to unnecessary distraction.  Stay with it!  It will pay huge rewards.  When you succeed, then you will have your next challenge:  What will you do with the time you have freed up?