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Four things you must do to build a winning team in 2015

Posted: December 29, 2014 | Categories: Leadership, Management, Team Building

I am going to pretend I have ESP, and I will describe exactly what it is like to work for your company or the company you work for:  As each day begins, every individual on the team comes in positive, smiling, and excited to get to work.  They have their day planned and they know exactly what they should be doing.  They are always working on the most important task, and are not distracted by the internet, sports news, or gossip.  Not only does their company meet their goals, they CRUSH them!  When obstacles occur, you and your team quickly overcome them.  There is no finger-pointing or blame.  When you and your team are finished with your work, you are proud of what you have accomplished.  Most important, when each member of your team comes home after work, they feel good about what they have accomplished and their loved ones know how much they love their job.

For some of you, this sketch may accurately describe the experience people have working for your company.  For others…maybe not quite.  I have the privilege of working with companies that operate just as this model describes.  The good news is we can all be that special company.  Here is what all great companies do:

  1. Hire the right people:  These winning teams know exactly the characteristics and qualities they are looking for when they hire, and they take the time to get what they want.  They know they cannot afford to hire someone who is below their standards.
  2. Ownership:  These good people on their team work together in a collaborative environment.  There is no blame or back-stabbing.  It simply doesn’t happen.  This is because of ownership.  Instead the boss telling them the expected attitudes and behavior, he or she asks them.  We are all eager to describe the type if culture where we work best.  Let the team define it, then sign off to with a working agreement. 
  3. Clarity:  Clearly define goals and expectations.  Make them measurable.
  4. Accountability:  A quality team has integrity.  That means they do what they say they will do.  No excuses.  No blame.

Does your team do all these four things?  Are they a top priority?  If not, why not incorporate them into your team for the coming year?