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Face-to-communication is still the king
In this virtual world of high tech and social media, it is easy to be seduced into the mindset that an “in-person” conversation is getting a little old fashioned. It isn’t! Whether selling, leading, or parenting, there is no substitute for a quality face-to-face conversation. I am vividly reminded of this almost every day.
Last week I was talking to a manager of a large health club. A month ago, he had to fire someone who held a key position. After the dismissal, he did not inform his entire staff of the void. As a result, one of his staff ended up hearing the news from a customer. The staff member was offended. He felt he had been left out. He began saying critical things about the manager, and it wasn’t long before the manager was aware of his grumblings. Instead of getting mad, the manager decided to meet with him face to face and apologize. Since it was the manager’s day off, he had to make a special 30-mile trip just to talk to him. When the staff member found out that the manager had gone to all that extra effort to apologize to him face-to-face, he couldn’t believe it. A notable change in behavior happened following that meeting. The staff member’s whole attitude changed about his work, and he became tone of the manager’s key assistants. When the manager took the time and trouble to meet with the staff member one-on-one, he sent a genuine, sincere message of how he valued his employee. The result was a more loyal, top-performing employee.
Just last week, I had a similar experience with a client. I had a conference call scheduled with them, and when I confirmed the appointment, I had a sense that he really wanted me to come out to his plant. I cleared my schedule, and appeared in person rather than make a phone call. I was glad I did. He brought the rest of his management team in, and we were able to have a highly productive meeting – much better than if we had talked by phone. The lesson learned: Remember that face-to-face meetings are the most powerful context for influence and favorable communication. When your instincts tell you that a situation demands an “in-person” conversation, go for it. You will build stronger relationships and will increase your positive influence.