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Energize profit margins with strong focus on clarity
Earlier this week, I was talking with a client whose company is substantially ahead their revenue goals for 2012. That is exciting, especially considering we are not even finished with the first quarter. You are probably asking how this is possible. How did they do it?… Was it luck?.. .Did they just have the right product at the right time?…Was it good management and planning? The answer: All of the above.
You have probably heard the expression, “Luck is where opportunity meets preparation”. Looking at what we can control, let’s take one of the most operative pieces of preparation: CLARITY.
Clarity of goals: This business owner (Jim) took the time to craft his 2012 business plan in November of 2011. At the top of his plan in bold letters were his specific revenue goals and profit margin baseline.
Clarity of strategy: If you were to ask Jim how he planned to achieve the goals, he would enthusiastically detail all the actions and categories of activity that would lead him to his goals.
Clarity of roles: If you were to ask each of Jim’s team members what their role was, each of them could clearly tell you.
Clarity of responsibility: Each role contains certain responsibilities in terms of desired results.
Clarity in tracking and accountability: Everyone on Jim’s team clearly understands what is expected of them. They all have an action plan with specific steps containing deadlines and benchmarks. Each member does their best to do what they say they will do when they say they will do it. When they fall short, the group comes together to focus on the problem and agree on a plan of action.
Clarity in goals, strategy, roles, responsibility, and accountability can defeat finger-pointing and excuses and can enable a team to “advance confidently in the direction of their dreams”, as Thoreau once said.
To put these fundamentals immediately into play, check you clarity on the key areas mentioned. If you find something fuzzy, take the time to make it clear.