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Category: Team Building
How to deal with a whiner
Do you like it when people whine? I didn’t think so. Aside from Oscar the Grouch, I don’t know of anyone who enjoys a whiner. But what if they are just sharing a concern? What is the difference?Read More…
Getting good employees and keeping them
There is an old saying about keeping a secret: “Secrets are either too good to keep or not worth keeping”. I am finding the same is true when it comes to getting and keeping good employees. There are either too good to keep or not worth keeping.Read More…
Strong teams possess a healthy discontent
Last evening I helped facilitate a team meeting for one of my clients. This gathering was also a celebration of a business expansion. The well-seasoned team was overflowing with energy and verve. As I was observing the team, I realized that every person in the room had gone through significant struggle and challenge in their professional development.
The most recent example is Cliff. He is a go-getter and moves at a fast pace. His challenge was to be a better listener. In his zeal he would “talk over” people and cut them short in conversations. This was creating a problem. Some customers would feel hurried, and they did not feel Cliff listened well to them.Read More…

How to create a “tailwind” behind your team
Championship teams know this secret, but I am going to snitch: If you want to be the best, learn how to create structural tension in your team. Read More…
Are you thinking right? (about people)
Have you ever had a bad day at work? If you have, there is a good chance that your frustration was sparked by your boss or a co-worker. It could have been something they said, or didn’t say, or did or didn’t do. Whatever the irritation, you let it affect your day.
In my coaching and team building, I frequently come across team members who challenge each other’s patience. Would you like to know a secret? Attitudes leak!Read More…
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