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Category: Team Building

Face-to-communication is still the king

Posted: October 25, 2016 | Categories: Leadership, Management, Team Building

In this virtual world of high tech and social media, it is easy to be seduced into the mindset that an “in-person” conversation is getting a little old fashioned.  It isn’t!  Whether selling, leading, or parenting, there is no substitute for a quality face-to-face conversation.  I am vividly reminded of this almost every day.Read More…

Leaders know how to make a good launch

Posted: October 5, 2016 | Categories: Leadership, Team Building

“You’ve got to get there the firstest with the mostest”

The quote above comes from one of my favorite high school teachers.  He also coached a football team that did not lose a game for 7 years.  He knew how to stay ahead of the game.

Top performing teams know how to stay ahead of the game.  They know that you want to launch any noble effort with the strongest possible momentum.Read More…

Authenticity builds solid team loyalty

Posted: June 1, 2016 | Categories: Leadership, Team Building

“There are two reasons people do things…the real one, and the one that sounds good” – John P. Morgan

The World Economic Forum conducts a survey each year regarding the trust people have in different businesses and organizations.  The survey participants include national governments, global companies, and large local companies.  The category of organizations that consistently ranks in the highest trust category is “Non-Governmental Organizations” Would you like to know the category that has the worst perception?  Yes, you guessed it…Politicians.Read More…

Know your #1

Posted: May 12, 2016 | Categories: Team Building

It is not a secret, but it might as well be.  Great companies give exceptional customer service.  Apple and Disney just keep on going strong.Read More…

Secession planning: Are you prepared to let go?

Posted: March 30, 2016 | Categories: Management, Team Building

If you own a small to medium-size business and are looking to retire in a few years, you could soon be facing a big problem:  When you leave, the value of your company will be greatly diminished because you have not trained your people to do what you do.  You say you already have?  Good for you.  You can read this sitting in the bleachers.  For the rest of you, it is time to get on the field of play and do some problem solving. Read More…

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