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Category: Self-Improvement

2012: Find and cultivate your sweet spot

Posted: December 19, 2011 | Categories: Self-Improvement

My mother is 87 years old, and I don’t ever recall her using the word “goal”.  If I were to ask her what her vision was, she would probably say, “20/20”.  Here is what I can say about Mom:  She has many friends, and serving others comes naturally.  She is one of those folks who, after talking to her, genuinely and sincerely makes you feel like the greatest person in the world.  People love to be around her, and her positive attitude is infectious.  To this day, she has many, many friends, and the list is still growing.  She is my favorite example of a successful life.Read More…

The “Secret” of the “Secret”

Posted: December 18, 2011 | Categories: Self-Improvement

A few years ago, professional coach and speaker Bob Proctor produced a popular video called “The Secret”.  It was based on Napoleon Hill’s “Law of attraction”.  This concept states that, “We become what we think about most of the time”.  This means if we train our minds to vividly envision a desired achievement or outcome, and we hold that vision with frequency, duration, and intensity, success will follow.
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Planning for a Sizzling 2012 (Step 2)

Posted: November 29, 2011 | Categories: Sales, Self-Improvement

How much are you going to make in 2012?  What will your profit margin be?  Specific goals, action steps, benchmarks and deadlines are all part of an effective business plan.  So how do we come up with a revenue goal that is realistic, challenging, and well supported?  Here are some questions we can ask ourselves to achieve that objective:
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Focus on the problem…not the personality

Posted: August 4, 2011 | Categories: Self-Improvement

In the mid-50’s, Robert Johnson was looking for financing for what would become Ebony Magazine. As he went from bank to bank asking for a loan, he ran into one dead end after another. Then came the moment of truth: A bank loan officer told him that they did not loan money to people of his color. Rather than bristle or get defensive, he simply asked, “Who do you know that would be receptive?”. The fellow liked his approach, and even though he didn’t give him a loan, he recommended someone Mr. Johnson could talk to.  Mr Johnson followed through, got the loan, and the rest is history.
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Where’s my cheese????

Posted: July 27, 2011 | Categories: Self-Improvement

Change is constant.  We keep hearing that.  Lately, my coaching conversations have been dominated by that subject.  Ken Blanchard wrote the book, “Who moved my cheese?”.  Today, it seems our “cheese” is getting swept away by a cyclone.
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