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Category: Self-Improvement

Top producers make winning a habit

Posted: February 27, 2012 | Categories: Sales, Self-Improvement

“Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the time thing.  You don’t win once in a while; you don’t do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time.  Winning is a habit.  Unfortunately, so is losing.

 There is no room for second place.  There is only one place in my game, and that’s first place.  I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don’t ever want to finish second again.  There is a second place bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers.  It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win.”

-Vince Lombardi

In selling, there is no second place.  We either get the order or we don’t.  And if we don’t, we receive nothing – that is no fun.  As Vince Lombardi says, “Winning must be a habit”

An old mentor of mine once said, “A goal mind is a goal mine”.  I was reminded of this last week while talking to a successful financial advisor:  He began his career in the fall of 2008 – not exactly the most fun time to begin.  401k’s were decimated and financial advisors weren’t winning any popularity contests.  Yet Bob boldly began his career and has met or exceeded every quarterly goal since he started.  He is enjoying a comfortable standard of living.

I asked Bob, “What is it you do that makes you so consistent?”  He replied, “I set goals and achieve them.  I make sure every goal is realistic and challenging.  If I were to set a goal and not achieve it, I would become complacent, and accept mediocrity.  I know because I struggled through high school and college. Once I adopted the “set and achieve goals” mindset, my whole life turned around. “

In his 1940 essay, “The Common Denominator of Success”, life insurance sales manager Albert Gray said:

”It is easier to adjust ourselves to the hardships of a poor living that it is to adjust ourselves to the hardships of making a better one.  If you doubt me, just think of the things you are willing to go without in order to avoid doing the things you don’t like to do…”

 So what can we do to attain the same success as Bob?

Set a goal.  Even if it is dialing the phone six times a day – set it.  And once we do, remember the four key fundamentals to ensure you succeed:

1.  Seize the first opportunity

2.  Launch the strongest initiative

3.  Keep the faculty of effort alive with daily practice

4.  Never allow an exception to occur

Happy goaling!


Success with life Balance: It can be done!

Posted: December 30, 2011 | Categories: Networking, Self-Improvement

“So be sure when you step, step with care and great tact, and remember that life’s a great balancing act”

                    – Dr. Seuss: “Oh the Places You Will Go”

 “I am just not excited to go to work”.

That is what one of my clients said last week.  You may be thinking this person doesn’t like his boss.  Nope.  He is the boss.  How about working too hard?  He is actually working fewer hours per week that he has in years.  And profit?  His company is just finishing up on one of his most profitable years ever.  So what is the problem?
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Boldness and Achievement

Posted: December 28, 2011 | Categories: Leadership, Self-Improvement

 Q. “Why didn’t you tell us at the board meeting that day?”

 A. “ Well…no one was going to listen to someone like me…I mean…you can bend the rules plenty when you get upstairs, but if you’re someone like me, you can’t get there without bending the rules”

                                                                                           –From the movie, “Working Girl”

I hope you are as excited about 2012 as I am.  Challenge and opportunity will abound.  Planning with clarity and following through with focus and resolve will put the odds in our favor.  As we look to execute our plan, let’s consider the magical ingredient of “boldness”.
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2012: Find and cultivate your sweet spot

Posted: December 19, 2011 | Categories: Self-Improvement

My mother is 87 years old, and I don’t ever recall her using the word “goal”.  If I were to ask her what her vision was, she would probably say, “20/20”.  Here is what I can say about Mom:  She has many friends, and serving others comes naturally.  She is one of those folks who, after talking to her, genuinely and sincerely makes you feel like the greatest person in the world.  People love to be around her, and her positive attitude is infectious.  To this day, she has many, many friends, and the list is still growing.  She is my favorite example of a successful life.Read More…

The “Secret” of the “Secret”

Posted: December 18, 2011 | Categories: Self-Improvement

A few years ago, professional coach and speaker Bob Proctor produced a popular video called “The Secret”.  It was based on Napoleon Hill’s “Law of attraction”.  This concept states that, “We become what we think about most of the time”.  This means if we train our minds to vividly envision a desired achievement or outcome, and we hold that vision with frequency, duration, and intensity, success will follow.
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