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Category: Self-Improvement
A key to preventing peaks and valleys
If you are a business owner, you have probably heard the saying, “Work on your business and in your business” many times. In other words, balance your focus and activities in a way that keeps you on top of serving your clients while generating new sales opportunities.
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Values and principles: An important distinction
Whenever I am coaching, principles and values frequently come into play. Since they are so important, I want to draw a distinction between the two:
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The Common Denominator of Success
If you were to ask me what the most important character component of success is, I would immediately say, PERSISTENCE. All people who live the life of their dreams have this quality in abundance. They know what they want and they want it so badly they would eat nail for breakfast to get it.
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Are you a leader? Check your blind spots
Have you ever met a friendly person who for some reason wasn’t friendly to you? Puzzling, isn’t it? It is true: We can’t please everyone. We also wonder if there is some way we are coming across that is turning people off.
Almost all of us have “blind spots”. These are areas about ourselves that need improvement – we just aren’t aware of them. Those who know us and like us usually don’t say anything about these. Sometimes they don’t even notice the flaws.
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The three absolutes of happiness
If you are waiting in line at the supermarket, you may occasionally glance at the tabloid headlines. (You don’t have to admit it) On these pages (so I’m told) there are headline stories about famous people. Most of the stories pertain to troubled relationships, people going broke, and health or substance abuse issues. These stories may be depressing. They also point to the most important areas we need to live a happy life.
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