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Category: Self-Improvement
To be a top performer – be good at what you’re not good at
In the mid-1700’s, there was a small businessman who was determined to be a success. One day, his best friend confronted him and said, “You need to work better with people. You may be able to win every argument, but you don’t know how to win friends. Until you do, you won’t be successful”. These stinging words were delivered to Ben Franklin early in his career. Ben did not get defensive when he heard this. He knew it was true, and he resolved from that point to turn the situation around. Read More…
How to procrastinate procrastination
“Procrastination is the thief of time” – Alec McKenzie
When it comes to the subject of time management, there is only one working unit we have: TODAY!Read More…
Interview questions we should ask
Have you ever seen a situation where someone enthusiastically accepts a job offer, then discovered later that it wasn’t the working environment they had envisioned. Unfortunately, I find this happens far too often. The result is frustration and the feeling that we are not where we need to be. The question is, how do we find out what is behind the curtain? Read More…
How to replace anxiety with confident anticipation
Last night I was leading a team meeting. I challenged one of the group to do some role playing to demonstrate the “presentation” part of the sales process. As I handed him the “script”, he held it in his hand and looked at it intensely. Silence followed as he continued to focus on the scenario. We asked him if there was anything he did not understand, and he said, “No, I am just studying this the way I normally would before I begin my presentation.”Read More…
Double your productivity in 60 days
Is it true that the average American works more hours per week that he or she did 20 years ago? I don’t think so. I do believe that we spend more hours on our job than we did 20 years ago. The key word is “Working.”Read More…
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