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Category: Self-Improvement
The ironclad rule of all achievement
“Great achievers have one thing in common: They have the ability to focus on vital priorities and cause those priorities to happen” – Charles Hobbs
In the world of executive coaching, “Modeling” is an attribute we all must have. “Modeling” is a coaching term for, “Practice what you preach”. Sometimes it can be downright uncomfortable. Read More…
Respect: It is what we all want
Occasionally I hear someone say, “Everyone wants to be liked”. I have found that is not always true. What I have found is that being respected is a universal goal. Even the most cruel and heartless dictator wants respect. What I have also observed is that gaining respect usually involves significant courage. We can’t always “go with the flow”.Read More…
Courage creates confidence
“Courage is the first of the human qualities because it is a quality which guarantees all the others” -Winston Churchill
We often hear about the importance of building trust to have a strong team. A high trust level comes about primarily through the character and competence of each team member. One of my favorite components of trust is courage and conviction. As much as we all respect it, the path of courage and conviction can be lonely.Read More…
Conflict management starts with ownership
Have you even seen a situation when someone you work with was verbally attacked by their boss for a mistake they did not make? What happens when the attacker realizes he or she made a false assumption and he or she is wrong? Usually it is one of these 4 things:Read More…
Get in to the action habit
there is only one impediment to our growth and success, and that is laziness. If we overcome laziness, all other impediments are overcome” – M. Scott Peck
When I read the above quote this morning, I said to myself, that nails it! We have all probably heard the definition of insanity: “Doing things the same way we have always done them, and expecting different results”. And why do we do things the same way and expect improvement? Laziness! That’s right. We are in a certain routine and pattern, and we don’t want to be interrupted.
As I reflect on the coaching I have done in just this past week, here are some of the barriers folks have overcome:Read More…
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