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Category: Self-Improvement
Full, undivided attention strengthens trust
The most successful people I know are excellent at managing relationships. Everything they do is intended to strengthen trust and better serve their client’s needs. With all this in mind, I have a recommendation for you: STOP LOOKING AT YOUR PHONE!Read More…
The payoff of “keeping our cool”
“If you can keep your head about you when all are losing theirs…” – Rudyard Kipling
It is so easy to react quickly when we are wronged or offended.
Many years ago, I remember reading a story in “Bits and Pieces’ about Robert Johnson, founder of Ebony Magazine. It took place in the mid-50’s, and Mr. Johnson wanted to start his publication. He needed financing, and the first bank he went to turned him down. As politely as he could say it, the loan officer informed Mr. Johnson that they did not loan money to people of color. Instead of becoming defensive, Mr. Johnson came back with a question: Read More…
Were you meant to be an “intrapreneur”?
A few years back there was a commercial that involved a teacher instructing her young pupil how to draw. She said, “Stay between the lines because the lines are our friends”. If you are a “stay between the lines” person, then this piece is not for you. I a only writing for the free-spirited mavericks who challenge the status quo and love to lead change. If this is you, I have 10 super-gold nuggets for you. They were given to me years ago by a beloved mentor of mine – Bob Blazier. Read More…
A mark of character
“You can judge a person’s character by the way he treats people who can’t help or hurt him”
I came across the above quote today, and my thoughts immediately went to an event that occurred when I was a child in my early teens. It happened in Cheyenne, Wyoming on a hot summer day. I was visiting relatives, and my cousins and I were out walking around in a small strip mall. Someone came up to me and said, “There is a guy over there giving out free ice cream!” I looked over, saw the crowd, and made a beeline to the free ice cream. My eyes were glued to the prize like a heat-seeking missile. Just a few feet before I got there, an arm gently stretched out and halted my momentum. Read More…
How to increase your productivity by 40%
I know. That title sounds like a bunch of hype. Stay with me on this: 30 years ago I took a course in time management. There were two terms that I internalized, and my ability to manage my time increased dramatically. Read More…
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