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Category: Self-Improvement
Sometime it is better to let a little wrong live…
Every Friday evening, my wife and I look forward to doing our weekly grocery shopping together. Our kids are grown and on their own, and Friday evenings are an event.
Last Friday we were ready to go to the checkout lane, and we chose the self-checkout. Joyce likes this option better because it is easier to follow along to make sure all the prices are correct. The only problem was, this time we had a fully loaded grocery cart that was way over the limit for the self-checkout lane. One of the regular checkers saw our cart and came over to say, “I have no line right now. Would you like me to check you out?” She was polite. She could have interfered by saying we had too many items for the self-checkout, but she didn’t. Joyce thanked her for the offer and gently declined.
When this happened, I found myself getting irritated: It was embarrassing. We should have accepted the offer of help and moved to the appropriate checkout lane. I managed to stay calm, but no doubt Joyce could tell from my facial expression that I was upset. I could feel some tension. Then, I took a step back in my mind and gave it some thought:
Putting myself in Joyce’s shoes, I realized that she was doing what she has always done. She knows how to get the most from our food dollar, and that is a lot of work these days! We must clip coupons on each website, carry our smartphone and make sure we have selected the right item and in the right quantity. Thanks to Joyce and her good planning, we have managed out finances well.
I told her of my concern, and quickly acknowledged that I understood she was just doing her work to get the most from our dollars.
Stephen Covey says: “Seek first to understand”. Let me add one more maxim: “Sometimes it is better to let a little wrong live than a lot of love die!”
Proper training prevents panic
This morning I was talking with a client who had just navigated herself through a crisis. She was hosting a big event and just before the event was to take place, she discovered that one of the three team members was missing a certification, and the event could not proceed until this problem had been solved. Sara responded quickly, and was able to find someone with the proper certification to lead the event. She didn’t panic…she acted.
Shortly after I began my career, I heard an axiom that I have never forgotten: “If we are suddenly in a crisis situation, we will respond in the manner in which we have been trained.” If we haven’t had training, we will panic.
One of my favorite examples of how strong training can pay off happened on July 20, 1969. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had just landed on the moon. It was a thrilling moment in US history. Later on, we learned that the astronauts had a mechanical problem after landing. They discovered a broken circuit breaker switch on the Lunar Module. The switch was needed to send power to the ascent engine. If they failed to fix it, they would have remained on the moon!
Keeping a cool head, Armstrong and Aldrin used a small, felt-tipped pen to fix the broken switch. It worked! They returned safely to the Command Module.
Think of your own business or organization. Do you need to host a CPR class or a fire drill? Are you prepared to have your wits about you in a panic situation? If there is something we need to do to be more prepared, we need to take action!
The bounty of going the “extra mile”
“Good manners are made of petty sacrifices”
-Henry David Thoreau
One of the most time-worn expressions we hear is “go the extra mile”. I think it is time we all take a step back and go deeper in to the extra mile concept and how we benefit when we incorporate this mantra into our daily experience.
I recently experienced a sterling example of this: It began nearly 10 years ago when I won a raffle prize at a marketing event. My prize was two $25 gift cards to a local auto service shop. Since I already had a place to service my car, my wife and I set the cards aside. The years went by and a couple months ago we decided we would try out the gift cards rather than just throw them away. When we arrived at the shop, the owner greeted us with a hearty smile and cheerfully agreed to honor the gift cards. We used one of the cards and got some new wiper blades.
A couple months later I had some used motor oil I wanted to dispose of. I went to the same place. The owner saw me in the parking lot and eagerly came out to greet me and accept the oil. This was the second time that fellow went the “extra mile”, and this time I was hooked.
This week I needed to purchase a new set of tires. I headed straight to the friendly shop and they had me fixed up in an hour. As a drive away, I was a happy customer and committed to stay that way. We respect and appreciate those who go the extra mile for us, and they earn our loyalty. (And get our money)
How do you replace a legend?
“How would I fill his shoes? I can’t. I need to find my own shoes” –Jim Daly: President: Focus on the Family
The above quote from Jim Daly was said in 2005 when a reporter asked him how he was going to fill the shoes of the world-renowned organization founder, James Dobson. To use a cliche, James Dobson was a “tough act to follow”.
In 1978, Lee Iacocca took over the helm of the nearly bankrupt Chrysler Corporation. No one I knew truly believed that Mr. Iacocca could revive a company in such serious trouble. Mr. Iacocca went to Congress and convinced the government to give him $1.5 billion in loan guarantees. He got to work and brought Chrysler back to profitability. The loans were paid off early. Iacocca, the father of the beloved Mustang, had seemingly performed a miracle. He retired in 1992.
Bob Eaton was hired to replace Iacocca. Bob had his own style, and it was quite different from his predecessor. Raised in Kansas, Bob had a low-key temperament and quiet demeanor. He knew what he was doing, and he developed a workforce that led Chrysler to be one of the most cash-rich corporations in the country in 1996. Bob knew his own style and strengths, and he put them into play. Here are some things he did to strengthen the company:
- Transformed the culture from “combative to participative”.
- Had a clear vision.
- He was flexible, forceful, a good listener, and eager to learn.
- He engaged the labor force of the company to become more than the sum of the parts.
- He introduced new models with cost-cutting discipline.
- Led Chrysler to be the lowest-cost auto producer.
- Developed effective cross-functional teams to design cars quickly and cheaply.
- He saw opportunities that had not been seen before
- He fostered teamwork, set goals, and rewarded achievers.
- Briefed everyone after Board meetings
- Would not agree to acquisitions.
I think we can safely say that Bob “found his own shoes” and left the company better off than when he started. Bob knew his strengths and the unique qualities he brought to the table, and he used them. We can too!
A vital step in employee engagement and retention
Two weeks I was talking with a client (we’ll call him Sam) who was struggling with a dip in his confidence as a leader. A couple months ago Sam had made a serious error of omission, and the result was going to be a heavy fine for his company. Sam takes pride in his work and he took this “ding” in his record personally. Rather than brood, Sam decided to take action to help get himself ouf of his “funk”.
The action Sam took was to conduct “Stay Interviews” with all his direct reports. Management consultant Richard Finnigan defines a “Stay Interview” as “A structured discussion a leader conducts with an individual employee to learn specific actions the leader can take to strengthen the employee’s engagement and retention in an organization.”
As a result of the interviews, Sam found himself well on his way to regaining his confidence and momentum. His people were positive and affirmed how much they enjoyed working for him. The team members also gave helpful and consistent feedback on what Sam could do to make their jobs easier. (What do you need from me?)
Sam’s decision to conduct “Stay Interviews” proved to be just the right action to give both Sam and his staff a boost. It is important to note that Sam had already built a high level of trust with his team and he also had a very supportive boss. Sam had put together the right team atmosphere to make the “Stay Interview” effective. If you are proud of your team and committed to continued professional growth, I recommend you consider the “Stay Interview”.