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Category: Management

All things equal…personality wins!

Posted: February 25, 2014 | Categories: Leadership, Management, Sales, Team Building

I was attending a workshop in the early 1980’s at a hospitality convention and the subject was, “Hiring the right people”.  The charismatic facilitator had us all deeply engaged.  Just at the magic time, he asked, “What is the most important characteristic to look for when hiring someone to work at the front desk?”  We all poked around with our answers.  When we didn’t guess it, he revealed what he believed to be the answer:  Personality”

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The makings of a championship team

Posted: January 31, 2014 | Categories: Management, Sales

As an executive coach, teams count on me to help them build a team that is destined to be the best.  We all know that teams who win championships have more than just talent:  They have learned how to work together synergistically.

Yesterday, I was talking to a business owner who was ready to build his winning team.  We went over some key components of championship teams.  I will share them with you:

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Customer service is a home game

Posted: January 21, 2014 | Categories: Leadership, Management

It is worth repeating…The goal of a business is to create and keep customers.  I would like to focus on the word keep“.  I find that too often there is no organized and disciplined strategy to “keep” the customers you create, and we won’t keep them unless we give exceptional service and added value.  I guess we could say that customers are like our teeth…”Ignore them and they will go away. ”

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Poker and Priorities

Posted: November 14, 2013 | Categories: Management, Time management

Have you ever worked hard on what you thought was an important project only to find out that it wasn’t that important?  If you have, you know how demoralizing that can be.  Unfortunately this situation is quite common.  It is also costly in both team morale and efficiency.
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The hard side of “warm and fuzzy”

Posted: July 31, 2013 | Categories: Management

One time I was at a social setting and happened to encounter a seasoned school teacher who I greatly admired.  I asked her the secret of her success, and she answered simply by saying, “Never smile until Thanksgiving”.  At the time, I thought that was a clever remark.  Since that event, my mind has gone back to that statement countless times as I frequently encounter one of a manager’s most haunting problem…CONTROL.

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