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Category: Management

Confrontational leadership: It can be healthy
As I was concluding a team-building meeting today, one of the participants ask about “Confrontational Leadership”. I ask him to explain. He defined it as the habit of clearly defining roles and expectations paired with consistent reinforcement and re-direction.
If the most important aspect of leadership is trust, the backbone of management skills seems to be clarity supported by ownership and accountability. As team members, we like to know where we stand with the boss. A good boss is in there with us and is providing constant feedback.Read More…

Character: A must-have for sustainable success
“Success is more than doing things right…it is doing the right things” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
Whenever I hear a story that displays exceptional character, I like to share it. Here’s one for you:
The owner of a successful car repair business got some bad news: One of his customers was not happy. Their had recently had repair work done at the shop, and the car wasn’t sounding right. They brought it in, and had it checked out. The mechanic found a blown head gasket. They also learned that the likely reason for the damage stemmed from an earlier repair the shop did replacing radiator hoses. They didn’t get the clamps tight, the coolant leaked out, and the engine overheated and blew the gasket.Read More…
Compliance: The next best thing to commitment
When we think of great leaders, we marvel at their ability to enlist commitment from their team members. When we are committed, we are in with our heart and soul. Commitment is great!…but sometimes, even on the best teams, we have to settle for less.Read More…
Winning teams use their heads and their hearts
As an executive coach, I spend much of my time helping companies build championship, top-performing teams. I have found that winning teams are always brilliant on the basics, and they don’t settle for anything less than excellence from their team.Read More…
Four things you must do to build a winning team in 2015
I am going to pretend I have ESP, and I will describe exactly what it is like to work for your company or the company you work for: As each day begins, every individual on the team comes in positive, smiling, and excited to get to work. They have their day planned and they know exactly what they should be doing. They are always working on the most important task, and are not distracted by the internet, sports news, or gossip. Not only does their company meet their goals, they CRUSH them! When obstacles occur, you and your team quickly overcome them. There is no finger-pointing or blame. When you and your team are finished with your work, you are proud of what you have accomplished. Most important, when each member of your team comes home after work, they feel good about what they have accomplished and their loved ones know how much they love their job.
For some of you, this sketch may accurately describe the experience people have working for your company. For others…maybe not quite. I have the privilege of working with companies that operate just as this model describes. The good news is we can all be that special company. Here is what all great companies do:Read More…
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