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Category: Management

Framing discussion can prevent being interrupted
Good communication is important. One of the biggest frustrations I hear when coaching teams pertains to interruptions. We all know the feeling. We are trying to express something, we have a train of thought going, and zap! We get interrupted. When this happens, we begin to wonder if the other person is truly trying to listen and understand what we are saying. Is there an antidote to this situation? There might be. Consider framing your discussion. Here is how it works:Read More…
Secession planning: Are you prepared to let go?
If you own a small to medium-size business and are looking to retire in a few years, you could soon be facing a big problem: When you leave, the value of your company will be greatly diminished because you have not trained your people to do what you do. You say you already have? Good for you. You can read this sitting in the bleachers. For the rest of you, it is time to get on the field of play and do some problem solving. Read More…
Self-direction: All great teams have it
A few months ago, I was working with a client as he was putting together a new team. His name was Clay, and he had a goal of building a self-directed team that could be counted on to get the job done even when he was on vacation. He mentioned that he wanted to be able to go on vacation with his family and come back to order and harmony rather than chaos. Brilliantly, he shared this vision with his team. The next step was to build a team strong enough to meet this challenge. With this vision in mind, he began to build the team.Read More…

Remember this when you need to handle a mistake
Have you ever worked for a boss where you felt you couldn’t do anything right? Then there is the other extreme: The boss who never says anything. You don’t know if what you are doing is right or wrong.Read More…

Got a problem? Here is the most important question to ask
Have you ever worked in a culture where there was constant whining, finger-pointing, and excuse making? If you have, you know how such behavior affects team performance.
A few years ago I had someone in my management class who was struggling with a negative team environment. People would continually come up to him and complain about other people not doing their job. They often had a complaint, but seldom proposed a solution.
As we discussed this challenge, I introduced him to the 4 problem solving questions I have spoken of before. These were developed by Leon Shimkin nearly 100 years ago, and have stood the test of time:Read More…
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