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Category: Management

How to prevent employee poaching

Posted: May 31, 2017 | Categories: Leadership, Management, Team Building

Picture this scenario:  You hire an employee for a key position.  They are like a dream come true.  They know what you want, and consistently deliver excellent work.  Their attitude is exceptional, and they are a positive force on the team. They are eager to learn everything, and you spend extra time with them teaching them things that enable you to spend more time on what you do best.  For two years, you have been in with them.  It is a joy.  Then, one day, you get the proverbial “punch in the stomach”.  They announce that they are leaving for another company.  Read More…

Effective owners are good pilots

Posted: April 28, 2017 | Categories: Leadership, Management

Last week I was talking with a business owner who operated several franchises in the Chicago area.  She wanted to do some teamwork training, and when she went to her Controller, he talked her out of it.  He said, “Look, our numbers our fine.  Sales are where they need to be, and we are making a profit”.  That was his whole argument.  Here is what he did not pay attention to:

  • The employee turnover rate was 20% above the industry average.
  • The absenteeism was up 40% over last year.
  • Their district supervisor referred to the store managers as a “bunch of dummies”.

Most of us would say that these symptoms are not good, and very costly.  We wouldn’t have to be brilliant to predict that this company is headed for trouble.  Eventually, the sales numbers will go down, and by that time, the river may be too wide for crossing.Read More…

The toughest part of being a good boss

Posted: March 7, 2017 | Categories: Management

I am hired by companies to help build top-performing teams.  One of the biggest challenges a manager faces is keeping team members accountable for results.  If ownership is established and roles and expectations are clear, we must insist on each team member delivering desired results.  I find that managers often fall short in this area. Read More…

Constant chaos? It may be time to innovate

Posted: February 7, 2017 | Categories: Leadership, Management, Team Building

“If I asked people what they wanted, they would say they wanted a better horse” -Henry Ford

Last month I was meeting with a client who had a big problem:  His business was growing too fast.  He had built his success by giving excellent service and managing relationships well.  Now all that was at risk.  Things were slipping through the cracks, important details were getting overlooked, and his team was “dropping the ball” far too often.

When a situation like this occurs, it is important to define the problem so that we come up with the right solution.Read More…

Face-to-communication is still the king

Posted: October 25, 2016 | Categories: Leadership, Management, Team Building

In this virtual world of high tech and social media, it is easy to be seduced into the mindset that an “in-person” conversation is getting a little old fashioned.  It isn’t!  Whether selling, leading, or parenting, there is no substitute for a quality face-to-face conversation.  I am vividly reminded of this almost every day.Read More…

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