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Category: Management
The quickest way to business failure
OK. I know you aren’t reading this because you want your business to fail. You’re just curious. What is the quickest way to get a business to fail? Be rude! With today’s unforgiving social media reviews, one or two poor customer interactions can do serious harm.
Increase profit by reducing tolerations
If you are like most of us, when you look at your personal life, there are a few things in the “toleration” category. Here are some examples:
- Being overweight
- Not eating right
- Office clutter
- A half-finished project
This list can get pretty long. Let’s face it, there are some tolerations we just never get around to attending to.
There are also tolerations in business. Read More…

The value of a good sense of humor
Mark Twain once said, “A sense of humor is a sense of proportion”. He was so right. My coaching experience has taught me that top-performing teams have a hearty sense of humor. They laugh at life, and they laugh at themselves. They do not create humor at another person’s expense.

The enormous cost of low emotional intelligence
About 15 years ago, I was working in a key position for a worldwide training company. The owners decided to hire a new training director. She was from a large corporation and brought a new flavor to the team. The flavor she brought did not taste good. Sylvia was what is commonly referred to as a “body tripper”.
At first, Sylvia was friendly and gracious to everyone on the team. Then, once she got situated in her position, she began to change. She became aloof, ignored people, wouldn’t listen to anyone, and it wasn’t long before virtually everyone resented her. I said, “virtually”. There were a few people she was very nice too. They were all in top management. She had them snookered. Top management didn’t see what we saw.
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Superb leaders are good “pruners”
We have all heard that time-worn line from so many commercials: “My only regret is that I did not do it (buy it) sooner”. If your goal is to lead a #1 team, you may want to incorporate this concept also.Read More…
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