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A key to preventing peaks and valleys
If you are a business owner, you have probably heard the saying, “Work on your business and in your business” many times. In other words, balance your focus and activities in a way that keeps you on top of serving your clients while generating new sales opportunities.
I was talking with a business owner today about her business development plan. It was a detailed strategy that she had worked hard on. The only problem was, she wasn’t putting her plan into action. Part of her strategy was to set aside two hours per week dedicated to new business development. I asked her how that was going. “Not so good”, she replied. She said that she was not consistent with that goal. I then asked her if she blocked specific time off for her commitment. She said no. She also said that she doesn’t have a specific time. It is whenever she can fit it in. I asked Mary if she was up for a challenge. My challenge was that she block off two specific hours each week for new business development. She did so, and was careful to set aside time where she believed she would have the fewest interruptions. So what next?
Now that the time is blocked off, she has committed that time to generating new clients. That is all that time is for. This means that she can now plan for the best use of that time. One thing you can bet on…she will honor that time and plan wisely for it.
Building our business is intentional. It rarely happens by accident. Generating new prospects is important, but not urgent (until we can’t pay the rent). If we want steady income, and less financial stress, take what is important but not urgent, and put a sense of urgency to it. Having detailed plans with specific blocked time and deadlines enables us to do this.