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Leaders learn to love problems

Posted: July 11, 2014 | Categories: Leadership, Management, Team Building

We are paid to solve problems.  Selling is commonly defined as problem solving.  Management is problem solving.  A technician is a problem solver.  Here is the intriguing part:  If solving problems is what most of us are paid for, why does “We’ve got a problem” hit us like a sour note?

One discovery I have made in working with high-performing teams:  They have a great attitude about problems.  Does that mean they love problems or wish for setbacks and crises?  Of course not.  They also know that they must be in touch with reality, and they will get problems whether they want them or not.  Looking for problems and tackling them at the root with eagerness is a team mindset that will keep us ahead of the game.  They don’t point fingers.  They take ownership.   What can we do to develop this on our team?

  1. Train our people to understand the importance of looking for problems and keeping small problems small.
  2. Before they come us with a problem, take time to answer these four problem solving questions:

What do most teams do?  They jump right in to solutions.  We need to discipline ourselves to have a good attitude about problems and take the time to work through these questions.  The benefit is that we can actually solve the problem, rather than facing the same situation again.  Our business can grow!