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Top teams manage time well

Posted: September 23, 2024 | Categories: Customer service, Leadership, Management, Team Building, Time management

You already know this, but let me remind you anyway: A winning team considers their time to be gold, and they treat it as such.

Recently I was working with a company that is in BtoB manufacturing. This company was profitable yet they believed they could be more so. The company did an assessment and discovered that much of their time was wasted by bottlenecks and distractions. When it all added up, it was apparent that there was much room for increased efficiency. The next thing they did was hire a skilled QC expert. We’ll call him Ken.

Ken got to work quickly. He set up a giant display board that showed each project and where things stood in the process. This visible factor alone helped tighten everyone’s focus. Then some things started to happen: Ken was “3 places at once” talking to each person in production to make sure they had what they needed to do their part. Whatever they needed, Ken made sure it was quickly provided. Before it was common for operators to go get something and spend 15 minutes along the way to talk to fellow workers. This was a big time saver.

Ken continued to examine every step of the process and was able to expand on the improved efficiency. In a short time, the difference in efficiency showed up, and the benefits went right to the bottom line. The company became more profitable.

If you and your team are committed to excellence, you must manage time well. Treat every project or order as if it were a “hot potato”. Keep it moving. You will build a sense of urgency into your working environment. It’s a great feeling!