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The hard side of “warm and fuzzy”
One time I was at a social setting and happened to encounter a seasoned school teacher who I greatly admired. I asked her the secret of her success, and she answered simply by saying, “Never smile until Thanksgiving”. At the time, I thought that was a clever remark. Since that event, my mind has gone back to that statement countless times as I frequently encounter one of a manager’s most haunting problem…CONTROL.
To be successful in business, we have to be both a manager and a leader. Managing defines processes and procedures. Leadership drives them.
This morning, I was talking to a frustrated client. Her team had a setback at their last event. They were laid back in their attention to detail. After assessing the root cause of the problem, the owner concluded that the manager was too accommodating when it came to enforcing the processes and procedures. She did not run a “tight ship”.
Control is the hard side of management, and we need it. Being liked is nice. Before that, we must build trust and respect. I have found that winning teams expect and demand a lot from each other. That’s good.
I have a client in the restaurant business, and last night I was invited to their 10th anniversary celebration. Part of their staff included many young people, and I asked the manager how he dealt with employees spending time on their cell phone. “They don’t”. he replied. I asked him how he kept that under control and he said, “I tell them that they are not to use their cell phone during work. I also explain to them that if they do use them, I will warn them once. The next time, the phone is mine!” He has not had a problem with cell phone usage. He is also well-liked by his team, and they are a happy and stable bunch. He has control. So what do we do to control the standards of our business? Define them. Communicate them. Enforce them without exception. When a process is compromised by a team member, remember to:
- Blow the whistle
- Stop the clock
- Re-direct
- Resume play
You will make more money. Your customers will love you, and so will your employees. (Yes, they are customers too!)