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I’ve always been told that repetition is one of the ways we learn. If we are playing a musical instrument or learning a new skill, repetition makes sense. Then there are other times when repetition does not work. Have you ever found yourself having the same conversation over and over again with someone you are trying to correct or re-direct? I’ll bet you have. How do we break the cycle and solve the problem? I will illustrate with a personal example:
In the summer of 1974, I was the manager of a hotel in a Chicago suburb. My boss lived in Denver, and Mr. V would come in to check up on things about every six weeks. He always had a list of things he wanted me to work on. Some things I enjoyed, some I did not. As time went on, it seemed like the stuff I didn’t like doing never got done. Mr V. and I kept having the same conversation. Then, one day, he broke the pattern. I’ll never forget what he said, “Steve, what can I do to get you going on this?” Whoa! I’m tuned in. The time for excuses was over. I needed to execute. I did, and we enjoyed a long working relationships that lasted for another 10 years. He also promoted me to manage some of his other properties.
What happened in this conversation? Mr. V shifted gears. Before, he was focusing on the specific situation of what didn’t get done. In our capstone conversation, he instead called attention to the “pattern” I had established, and let me know that this pattern needed to change…immediately!
Do you have a team member who just can’t seem to “get with the program”? Once they established an unproductive pattern, address the pattern, not the incident. Throw it right back to him or her like Mr. V did. It will be tough. We also know that the best coaches and teachers in our lives always challenged us. We can do the same.